Complaint registration

Occasionally something goes wrong with an order or we just make a mistake.That is annoying, especially for you. APG Europe strives for 100% customer satisfaction. We have put in place strict quality assurance policies and our quality procedures are straightforward, meaning we always try to solve complaints about our products and services systematically.

Your complaint will be administrated in our complaint handling reporting system. Our quality department shall reply to you shortly within one working day. You will receive an email confirmation once your complaint has been reviewed. Subsequently you are able to check the status of your complaint report 24/7 in the My APG portal on our website. You will need to log in with your personal login and password.

Complaint management system

  • 24/7 online access at your complaint registration, complaint status and summary.
  • QA/QC implementation by a certified Quality manager.
  • SAPĀ® ERP integrated, comprehensive complaint management system.
  • A service-oriented quality approach.
  • Streamlined information for excellent customer support.
  • Batch numbers track & traceability.

For additional questions or should you require more information, you can contact Eric van Overbruggen, Quality control engineer: telephone number +31 297 514 626 or email

How to get access:

  1. Log in via the menu in the blue bar at the top of the page.
  2. Then click the blue button below: